On The Run - September 2020
In this month's issue, we hear from some SCRR streakers, get a recap of the monthly club race, and learn what sweet treats we can make with fresh lemons.
SCRR Streakers By Amy Katz
Over the years we've had many streakers in the club. No, I don't mean people who like to run in their birthday suits, although we may have some of them in the club as well. I'm talking about people who run at least a mile every single day.
I asked some current streakers about their motivation and the challenges they face keeping up their consistent running schedule.
When did you start your streak?
Jennifer Walt (JW): December 30, 2011
Vicki Ballon (VB): December 30, 2019
Bob Freeman (BF): January 11, 2016
Linda Hammond (LH): Thanksgiving 2018 (Previous streaks: 501 days, and another one just under 2 years. In addition I have been walking 1 mile a day and doing daily yoga since January 1, 2018.)
What motivated you to start your current streak?
JW: First time running with a Garmin so I thought it would be fun to track how many days in a row I could run.
VB: I was looking for a way to get back into a more consistent running routine and to help me train for the Fargo Marathon.
BF: Running at least one mile a day was initially a challenge between Valerie and me. The reward for streaking for the longest number of days was a vacation of the winner’s choice.
LH: The challenge of getting in a run everyday. I run very low mileage, so the streak at least gets me running.
Has Covid changed anything about your streak?
VB: It turned me into the morning runner I’ve always wanted to be. Since I have been working from home a lot more, it has made it easier to get my runs done in the morning without waking up too early.
BF: Since Covid, more people are outdoors exercising. It has made streaking harder, but I have adapted by running at different times during the day and running in different locations. Some runs can be very challenging trying to avoid the walkers, dogs, and groups of people. I have also had to run in the street to avoid people but keeping a watchful eye for cars.
LH: I run a lot just in my immediate neighborhood and avoid crowds.
Are you training for any upcoming races including virtual races or challenges?
JW: Ran across Tennessee from May 1 to Aug 4. 1000+ km. This was virtual. Earned a belt buckle for it.
VB: In theory, I’m supposed to do a virtual Fargo Marathon, but only because that was the only option other than deferral to a race date that I couldn’t attend. I’ll have to ramp up the mileage and do it later in the fall if I am going to do it though.
BF: Carlsbad 5000 - virtual run
LH: I was signed up for 2020 OC Half Marathon and Carlsbad 5000. However, both those are virtual now. At least for the half marathon, I will break it up into a few days, as I am not running that distance these days.
What is the hardest thing about streaking?
JW: Running at least a mile on days I do something else epic, like mountain climbing or backpacking.
VB: Deciding whether an “injury” or pain is severe enough to make it smarter to stop the streak and give the body some rest. Moving forward, I imagine some other challenges will be getting runs in while traveling or if I get sick.
BF: Deciding where to run the mile.
LH: Combining the running, walking and yoga are just part of my normal daily routine now. I would say the hardest thing is "bad weather", which we rarely have.

Are any of your family members participating in a streak, too?
JW: Both my boys have streaked, but are done now.
BF: Valerie was, but her streak ended several years ago.
What does your family and the people you live with think about your streak?
JW: They’re proud of me and think I’m badass.
VB: Alberto says he’s proud of me for my passion for running and dedication. Benjamin just asks why I run every day.
BF: My family members are amazed by how many days I have run in different weather conditions, different locations, various times during the day, and life events.
What has been your favorite or most memorable part of your streak?
JW: Strangers in my community telling me they see me running “all the time.” Cracks me up.
VB: Meeting up with my boys after a point-to-point run to the beach, park or other destination.
BF: The milestones of reaching one week, one month, 100 days, six months, one year, two years, three years, etc. while running at home, with the running clubs, or even on vacation.
How do you remember to do your run every day?
JW: Almost always run first thing in AM.
VB: Do it first thing in the morning when I can. Sometimes I forget by the end of the day whether I ran or not though.
BF: Running every day is part of my routine. I just do it!
LH: It is truly my morning routine. I do yoga, go for a run, then walk back.
When you're not feeling well, how do you make yourself go out for your run?
JW: No days off mantra. On the other hand, a mile is a rest day.
VB: Remind myself it’s only a mile and I’ll feel better after.
BF: I have had times where I have not felt well or have not been in the mood. I have motivated myself by not wanting the streak to end and by changing when I run during the day. Getting started with the run has usually been enough to get me through my streak run.
LH: I put on my shoes and run very slowly.
What is the closest you've ever come to breaking your streak?
JW: Possibly during backpacking.
VB: A month or two ago I was having some Achilles pain and I almost decided to break it.
BF: I have not had any close calls, but I have considered ending it voluntarily just to have a rest day.
LH: One day for some reason I was not able to do my run in the morning. At about 11:30 p.m. I remembered and quickly went outside for a run around the parking lot in my complex.
Way to go, streakers! Anything else you would like to add?
BF: After completing my first Marathon in 2019, the next day, Valerie and I drove home from Sacramento to Orange County. After being in the car for 8 hours, I ran my streak mile with Valerie when we got home. Running one mile was pure torture and agonizing! I got through the run. Overall, I am so thankful to have the support of Valerie, my family, and my friends.
SCRR Mile Race (August 2020 Grand Prix) By Greg Hanssen
After a successful "socially distanced" conclusion to our 2019/20 Grand Prix season with the Walnut trail 5k in June, SCRR is forging ahead through the pandemic bizarro world for 2020/21! Our first race of the season was a mile race in the spirit of previous track mile and El Toro USATF mile races.
The city wouldn't let us do an event on the track so we picked a lightly used side trail off the Jeffrey Open Space trail. Parking at the Cypress Village Community park gave us bathroom access and easy parking.
Early Friday morning, Joanna Pallo, Amy Dayao and I jogged the course with our Gamins to triple check the distance. Then I went back and chalked up the start line and quarter mile marks.
On Saturday (race day) we were blessed with moderately cool (64F) overcast conditions! After a few bouts with heat waves this was a welcome surprise.
As with the Walnut 5K, the Grand Prix commission decided that all races we put on through the pandemic will have ample space at the start for social distancing and racers will be launched one at a time with 30 seconds of separation so that (hopefully) nobody has to overtake another runner in the same direction. Races are open to paying club members only, and runners must sign up in advance.

We had 30 people signed up for this race, of which 23 showed up, and two last minute entrants gave us 25 official finishers. The Grand Prix rules allow for virtual options on the same course on the same day with valid GPS data so there may be yet another finisher or two. We shall see.
For timing we used a timestamp app on an iPad, and Joanna and I took turns recording the finishers and launching runners. We've learned (the hard way) that it really takes two people to handle launching runners reliably at 30 second intervals while also recording finishers! This should be a little easier in a 5k than a mile race.
Everybody signed up with an estimated finish time and was seeded with the fastest going first. Looking at you, Joel Whitson (5:38), although look out as Steve Ireland (5:45) and Mike Dietz (5:55) are right behind you! Well, with an extra 30 seconds, of course. It is great in a race like this to have a rabbit visible ahead of you though!
Also having the SCRR crowd support at the start/finish is a lot of fun! A few runners missed their time slots but were accommodated at the end, including our official race timer Joanna (7:12) who wasn't even intending to run!
Greetings to Phil Lam (7:08) who joined SCRR just in time to run the mile, and also congrats to Birthday Boy Dave Bauers (6:48) who aged up to 60!
Thank you all for coming and looking forward to seeing everyone at our September 19 5K (virtual Carlsbad?!?) to be announced soon!
Recipe Corner (Featuring Noreene Matsuda) By Amy Katz
Do you love lemons? I know I do!
There are so many ways to use fresh lemons in recipes both savory and sweet. But let's talk more about sweet!
Noreene Matsuda says, "When life gives you lemons, make lemon bars!"

You can also make Lemon Crinkle Cookies for a sweet treat. They're crispy on the outside and soft in the middle.

Or try this Lemon Blueberry Loaf. You only need one bowl to make it, and no mixer required!

And for more sweet lemon recipes, check out these favorites:
- Lemon Elderberry Cake
- Lemon Poppy Seed Muffins
- Lemon Overnight Oats
- Lavender Lemonade
- Rosemary Lemon Iced Tea
Treasurer's Report By Victor Gambone
Total Cash Balance, Beginning August 1, 2020
Cash Inflows
Cash Outflows-First Thursday
Cash Outflows-RRCA Insurance
Cash Outflows-Banquet
Cash Outflows-Uniforms + Caps/Visors
Cash Outflows-Social Gatherings
Cash Outflows-Other
Net Change in Cash
Total Cash Balance, Ending August 31, 2020