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Dana Point Headlands/Salt Creek

  • Brig Restaurant 34461 Golden Lantern Dana Point, CA United States (map)

Leaders: Barbara Eckes & Victor Gambone

Location: Meet in the Dana Point Harbor Parking Lot near the Brig Restaurant.

Directions: From the I-5 Freeway take Exit 79 for CA-1. Follow signs for CA-1/PCH. Continue on E PCH for 1 mile. Left on Dana Point Harbor Drive. Left onto Casitas (since left on Golden Lantern is closed). Drive around buildings to front of the Brig Restaurant.

About the run: Basic Route is 11.7 mile looped course. For a 7.2 mile loop, return via the sidewalk from the Monarch Beach Golf Links (where the Salt Creek Trail crosses PCH).

See route map

From the Harbor parking lot we CLIMB STAIRS to Heritage Park. As we run along the bluff we’ll take in panoramic views of Dana Point Harbor. Where the park ends, we pass through a neighborhood onto Santa Clara Ave and then turn left onto Green Lantern. This street becomes Scenic Drive and leads us to the Dana Point Headlands trail. This single track (0.5 mile) packed dirt trail takes us to a stairway that drops DOWN to Strand Beach. We run on Strand Beach past the Ritz-Carlton where we pick up the Salt Creek Trail. We follow the trail under PCH through the Monarch Beach Golf Links and into Salt Corridor Regional Park. The trail goes under Niguel Road and continues UPHILL through Chapparosa Park to end on Golden Lantern next to the Dog Park. The remaining 3.5 miles on Golden Lantern are DOWNHILL to return back to the Dana Point Harbor Parking Lot.

Carrying water is recommended. Bathrooms and water are available in the Nature Center at the Dana Point Headlands (Mile 1.6) and at the end of Strand Beach (Mile 3.3). Additional options are the shopping centers at Niguel Road and Salt Creek Trail (Mile 6) and at the corner Golden Lantern and Camino Del Avion (Mile 9.7) Or if you dare, the Ritz-Carlton.

After the Run: Breakfast in Dana Point Harbor (various options including Coffee Importers, Proud Mary's, etc)

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