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Saturday Run - Laguna Niguel Reservoir

  • Jack's Woodside Grille 30065 Alicia Parkway A Laguna Niguel, CA, 92677 United States (map)

Leader: Cathy Shargay

Location: Jack’s Woodside Grille, 30065 Alicia Pkwy A, Laguna Niguel (be sure to put the A in your maps program)

About the Run: Any distance is possible, and this description is for about 10 miles. Most of this run is on paved trails, and the dirt sections are wide, smooth fire roads. From the corner of Alicia and Ivy Glenn Dr, run down Ivy Glenn to Niguel, cross and go right. Turn left on Crown Valley (after ~2 blocks), and then after one block, turn right into driveway, and onto trail (the start of the trail is about 30-40 feet away from the road through the parking lot, but is easy to see). Follow the trail past the YMCA and water treating plant. When entering the park at about the 1.5 mile point, go right across a small wooden bridge. Run along the side of the reservoir to the end of the park. At about mile 2.7, after the road starts circling back, make a right on a side road in the park (which will go past tennis courts), and in about 0.5 miles, come to Alicia Pwky. There is a pedestrian crossing light, just up a short way to the left. Cross there and go right for a short distance and then left on AWMA Road. Make a right on the Alicia Creek trail and then go out and back for whatever distance you’d like. The 5 mile turnaround is just past Pacific Park Drive. On the way back, run around the other side of the reservoir, by going right when hitting the circling road in the park.

 After the Run: Coffee and breakfast at Jack’s.

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March 3

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