Leader: Derek Godfrey
Location: Meet by Pandor Artisan Bakery and Cafe at Jamboree and Irvine Blvd (13124 Jamboree Rd).
Directions: From the 5 Freeway, exit Jamboree and head north. Turn right into the shopping center immediately after Bryan towards the food court.
About the Run: We will run up Jamboree to Peters Canyon. The full loop, including Peters Canyon, is approximately 11 miles. Many of us will want to run shorter, since we’re racing the Carlsbad 5000 on Sunday, and we can run an out-and-back along the bike path. To run longer than 11, take an extra loop around Peters or on the return continue on the running trail when it turns left one block before Irvine Blvd. It continues (on dirt) to parallel to the toll road, and then to Bryan.
After the Run: Coffee and breakfast at Pandor (which club members say is very tasty!)