Tradition continues!
August is our mile race and our Grand Prix committee came up with a great course.
Meet on the Walnut Trail where we drop down to the tracks for our Thursday summer runs. The race starts 1 mile up towards Sand Canyon (see photo). Come out and run for free on this perfect downhill section!
No pre-registration required. Just show up on time and provide your anticipated finish time. The race will likely have 3 heats divided by pace.
Wear your SCRR gear! We’re taking a new group photo before the race to use on our website and in emails. After the race, various groups will be running extra miles and we plan to meet at Everyday Eatery for a brunch, and have drivers available to shuttle members back to their cars.
After run route:
The short/direct route should be just under 2.5 miles, and you’ll run down Walnut Trail towards Jeffrey Road to San Canyon Avenue. On Sand Canyon, turn right and run along Sand Canyon to Irvine Center Drive. Turn left onto Irvine Center Drive into the Sand Canyon Plaza, where you’ll find Everyday Eatery.
The long run route will be approximately 7 miles (you may need to do a couple of parking lap loops to get to 7.) In this run, you’ll run up Walnut trail towards Culver instead, to Harvard Avenue. Make a left on Harvard and run along the path to Barranca Parkway. (*Similarly, just past Harvard, you can take the Mountains to the Sea Trail to Barranca.) Turn left onto the San Diego Creek Trail, which runs parallel to Barranca. Turn left onto Sand Canyon Avenue until you see the Sand Canyon Plaza on your right.